Saturday, 25 July 2015


We had a lovely trip to Birdworld this week and I was really pleased to get some lovely photos of some snowy owls, not easy taking pictures through the wire cages. just love this one with the owl winking at us!

Ural owl, framed with the wire cage.

There was some barn owls too but they were hiding all you could see was their feet, so no photo, do love the barn owls.

We loved watching the Humboldt's penguins being fed.

It was great to watch them diving for the fish and swimming so close to the glass.

The odd sneaky heron dived into the penguins to take a fish.


Then on to the Jenny Wren farm, with some very cute rabbits and a few baby chicks too, saving some of the photos for theme I'm planning on farms.

Felt very privileged to see a peacock in full show off mode.

We then popped into underwater world and they were able to see some lovely corals, sea anemones, starfish and a hermit crab, lovely to see what they had remembered from our under the sea theme. Rather amusing moment when one child was insistent that the crocodile was just a model until it closed it's eyes!

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