I'm a Mum of 3, home educator and childminder. This is a place to share my planning, arts, crafts, gardening, cooking and other activities for the preschool years and beyond. As well as my own crafts, gardening and some home education thrown in too
Friday, 31 July 2015
I've had this activity bookmarked for ages, just waiting for the right time to try it out and hoping it would work as well as the video shows. They worked brilliantly, I used thin card and then my glue gun to stick them together with but like the look of the Elmer's rubber cement, that they used, so might have to invest in some. The older children loved thinking up different patterns to colour, there is something very therapeutic about these and yes I've enjoyed playing with them too.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?
We made our own Jesse Bear using these teddy bear paper dolls, there are lots of other paper dolls, so to find the bears you will have to scroll down, we used the bare bear and the warm weather clothes.
I have had some packets of cress seeds for a while and had been planning to grow some, so thought why not on a teddy bear shape, fingers crossed it will grow.
Our cress teddy bears two weeks later
Out came our wooden dress up teddies, I love the different facial expressions, it really gets the children talking about what the bears might be thinking, as well as the different clothes they are wearing.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
I have the Usborne Beginners Bears book and some other fact books on bears for the children to look for. Have also found some lovely clips for us to watch on you tube, first is polar bears, brown bears and then pandas
Story Box and Caves
Having had to empty my tuff tray as I needed it for my river when we acted out the story, I thought I would put all the bits into a story box for the children to enjoy, I used printable cards from Home school Creations to go in the tray so they can sequence the story, match items etc.
Later when they had finished playing, I set up the story up in order and then asked the children to see if they could match up the picture cards to the story scene.
It wasn't long before my little ones decided to play with the story box. Lots of chatter and loved the way they greeted the bear when they got to the bear cave before running back home.
We used paper mache to make some caves for a scene I would like to create later on.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
We had a lovely trip to Birdworld this week and I was really pleased to get some lovely photos of some snowy owls, not easy taking pictures through the wire cages. just love this one with the owl winking at us!

Ural owl, framed with the wire cage.
There was some barn owls too but they were hiding all you could see was their feet, so no photo, do love the barn owls.
We loved watching the Humboldt's penguins being fed.
It was great to watch them diving for the fish and swimming so close to the glass.
The odd sneaky heron dived into the penguins to take a fish.
Then on to the Jenny Wren farm, with some very cute rabbits and a few baby chicks too, saving some of the photos for theme I'm planning on farms.
Felt very privileged to see a peacock in full show off mode.
We then popped into underwater world and they were able to see some lovely corals, sea anemones, starfish and a hermit crab, lovely to see what they had remembered from our under the sea theme. Rather amusing moment when one child was insistent that the crocodile was just a model until it closed it's eyes!
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