We had fun last year exploring the Polar regions. As well as the books listed below we also enjoyed reading Polar Bears Past Bedtime and the fact book that went with it. The children enjoyed creating paper plate caves and walrus, had lots of fun with shaving foam, painting it, freezing it to name a couple. the shaving foam was used for pretend snow. We had a pretend trip the the polar regions as well. If you want the planning linked into all the areas of the EYFS, you will find this at the bottom of this post.
The children made the polar bears cave out of a paper plate, cut and glued into shape and then the fun of gluing cotton wool on it, to make it look like it was all covered in snow.
These are some of the books we enjoyed.
They also had great fun with puffy paint (a mixture of shaving foam and pva glue) to paint polar bears and snowy scenes. I cut out some polar stencils, from a cardboard box. I added a small amount of sand to some of the puffy paint to add a different texture. The children really enjoyed this activity and the pictures turned out brilliantly even if I do say so myself.
Followed by a game of hibernating polar bears (sleeping lions by another name).
Followed by a game of hibernating polar bears (sleeping lions by another name).
When we read Mama Do You Love Me? which got the children really thinking about how Mum's love them even if they are sometimes cross. Afterwards we made some paper plate walruses and then measured out the size of real walrus. they were amazed at how big they were.

We also talked about how the sea animals keep warm in they icy sea and they had fun experimenting, with our home made blubber, two plastic bags put together with some oil poured in between, to make a glove and another bag with no oil in. I then filled a bowl with ice cubes and water and the children tried the 2 different bags to see if their hand stayed warmer with 'blubber' or not.
Well a trip to both the Arctic and the Antarctic as I put all those animals out to be played with. I think I might have to do an activity so the children can learn about both the Arctic and the Antarctic and the different animals you find there.
As the weather was very hot, to try and keep the children cool, happy and learning something, I froze various blocks of ice and a tub of shaving foam to use in my builders tray, shaving foam freezes really well. They were very interested in the way the ice melted and the different shapes formed. Later on when all the ice melted they had fun jumping in the water pretending it was snowing with all the shaving foam :)

Polar bear, polar bear,
Make no sound.
Polar bear, polar bear,
Dance on your toes.
Polar bear, polar bear,
Touch your nose.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Show your paws.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Hide your claws.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Reach up high
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Wink one eye.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Say good-night,
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Shut your eyes tight.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Wake up now,
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Take a bow.
We also talked about how the sea animals keep warm in they icy sea and they had fun experimenting, with our home made blubber, two plastic bags put together with some oil poured in between, to make a glove and another bag with no oil in. I then filled a bowl with ice cubes and water and the children tried the 2 different bags to see if their hand stayed warmer with 'blubber' or not.
Well a trip to both the Arctic and the Antarctic as I put all those animals out to be played with. I think I might have to do an activity so the children can learn about both the Arctic and the Antarctic and the different animals you find there.
As the weather was very hot, to try and keep the children cool, happy and learning something, I froze various blocks of ice and a tub of shaving foam to use in my builders tray, shaving foam freezes really well. They were very interested in the way the ice melted and the different shapes formed. Later on when all the ice melted they had fun jumping in the water pretending it was snowing with all the shaving foam :)
Words for Polar Bear, Polar Bear, Twirl Around
Polar bear, polar bear,
Twirl around.Polar bear, polar bear,
Make no sound.
Polar bear, polar bear,
Dance on your toes.
Polar bear, polar bear,
Touch your nose.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Show your paws.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Hide your claws.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Reach up high
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Wink one eye.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Say good-night,
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Shut your eyes tight.
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Wake up now,
Polar bear, Polar bear,
Take a bow.
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