So I am sat here catching up on my blog posts, we've had glorious sunshine today and I am looking back at photos from the beginning of February where we had lots of snow, well lots for us!! What a contrast in weather, we have spent most of today in the garden, L has helped weed the herb beds and then wash all the pots and trays, not my favourite garden job but she loves doing it. I emptied the back porch and cleaned it out, everyone left me alone as there was a rather large spider scuttling about. Hubby has tidied up the grape vine and then we all headed out for a lovely long walk, popped into the allotment to check its still there, well ok what state its in and what we need to do!
I've also told the story of the Minotaur, linked with lots of mazes, they had a lot of giggles trying to draw one on the patio, then decided it was more fun to colour all the steps up the garden a different colour. Highly amusing when your black cat decides to roll in it and comes in shimmering with pink and purple patches! We made some origami birds to go with the story of Daedalus and Icarus. If L wasn't allergic to dairy we would of also tried some different Greek cheeses, though we did get to make some pitta breads, that were rather yummy.
Our last bit of fun was making a curve from a straight line or parabolic curves, Mum in the Mad House has some lovely printable for this.
Now the beginning of February we had snow, L and I went for a wonderful walk through the woods and said at times it looked just like a scene from Narnia.
Home to build a snowman with M and O
Max on the other hand was far from impressed with all the white stuff and opted to stay inside and just watch us.
Lots of inspiring loveliness as always!