Sunday, 4 June 2017


After enjoying the Eco Kids magazine and the children's enthusiasm for the rainforest, we have enjoyed watching some clips of different rainforest animals, tigerstapir and macaws, which seem to be the favourite at the moment. Then there was that wonderful moment when they came across a picture of an ocelot and the children realise that they aren't just something made up in minecraft but a real creature.  I've also made the most of my twinkl membership and have used various power points they have put together including this one, which is photos of various rainforest animals and this one on the rainforest habitat. This then led on to a discussion with M about deforestation and I came across this you tube video which worked well for all ages, not always easy to do when you are working with a wide age range. M has decided that next week she would like to look more at deforestation and it's impact, I've found a couple of videos to start her of with, this on the effect on the climate and the lungs of our planet, plus a recap of photosynthesis.

We've had the books out looking at the different layers of the rainforest and the children spent time painting their own rainforest and decorating them with some animal stickers.

Perfect time to introduce  Henri Rousseau, we based out art on Surprise! we'll be looking at some more of his art work next week.

I am hoping to use this power point with them next week as it goes over some of what we have already learnt, plus a bit more.

Weekend has been busy mainly with a lot of time spent at the allotment, planting out plants and more seeds, harvesting a few red currants, strawberries and golden raspberries. Also painted one side of my husbands shed, this is the side that will be seen in our secret garden, when we finish it but was the old chicken run, I've gone for a purple colour bright but not over powering! The rest of the fences I am leaving brown with all the climbers over, think painting it all purple would be too much and today we picked up some lovely butterfly solar lights.


  1. I miss artwork from my kids! The pictures are lovely and vibrant. We have rainy cold weather today so I'm inside reading and knitting :)

    1. Thank you, I love doing art with the children it's always fun and sometimes interesting, like today when we did some bits on tigers and they drew some pictures, one was acute Mummy tiger and the other picture was a colourful monster one! Will share photos later in the week. A reading and knitting day sounds lovely, even if it was the weather that brought it on :)

  2. Sounds like you are doing some fun things. Like the idea of the purple shed - my husband wouldn't let us paint the play house that colour - I would though, it being my favourite colour :-) and a secret garden sounds intriguing!

    1. I love purple too, I am only allowed to paint one side, so you can't see it from the main garden or house! Will take some photos as the garden area develops, hoping for less rain and more sun and I can paint a second coat, really don't appreciate this weather at the moment.
