I know it wasn't long ago that Frodo sadly passed away but our house feels so empty without any pets, so I had started to contact local rabbit breeders to see if they would have any available rabbits soon, I was expecting a bit of a wait! My husband a few years ago came across the Rex breed at a show and had fallen in love with them, researching the breed, they are intelligent, inquisitive rabbits, with a relaxed nature, have been told they are more cat like and thought they would really suit us. Late Sunday afternoon we had a call back from a lady saying she had 2 that could go today and others in a few weeks, she sounded lovely on the phone and really into her rabbits. So we delayed dinner to go and meet her, she adores her animals and handles her rabbits all the time, her enthusiasm was wonderful to see, this wasn't just something to make money, she was passionate about them too. I really like it when someone asks about your experience of rabbits, other animals etc, what sort of set up you have, size of hutch, is happy to spend time talking to you and showing you all their rabbits. So we chose these two sisters, they are about 11 weeks old now and are so friendly, they love to come up to you and be fussed. I think we are going to name the black one Lucy and the brown one Rosie but early days, so might change.

Making the most of the wonderful sunshine, we got out the tuff tray, added some cornflour, spray bottles and water and left the children to decide what they wanted to do with it all. Which started with them drawing patterns in the dry cornflour, then seeing what happened when they sprayed it with water.
Pouring lots of water and seeing what it felt to walk in it.
Pouring it over their feet.
They then had the bowls and other kitchen bits out and spent time making cakes and cooking them in the sun.
Ah those rabbits look lovely and sounds like they have just the right temperament too. Enjoy them!
ReplyDeleteThe rabbits are lovely and they have extremely soft fur, we are all enjoying them and so are various friends that have come to visit us.